The Millennial Freelancer Is One Year Old

Help us celebrate our one-year anniversary by becoming a Patreon

Adryan Corcione
The Millennial Freelancer
2 min readAug 25, 2017


Last summer, I took a risk. In June 2016, I left my copywriting job at a content marketing firm to pursue freelance writing full-time. I quickly realized how little resources there were for millennial small business owners, particularly those who were freelancers in a creative field.

In August, I created this blog to fulfill the lack of resources available for younger freelancers, particularly those interested in social justice, technology, digital publishing, and social journalism.

Ever since, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to interview and feature talented writers: Britni de la Cretaz, Rachel Charlene Lewis, Keah Brown, Cameron Glover, Katelyn Burns, Alex Zaragoza, Sebastian Zulch, Irina Gonzalez, Sonia Weiser, Jillian Richardson, Kelly McDonald, Kallie Falandays, Sarah DeGeorge, Anna Furman, and Lara Witt (Femme Feministe).

Additionally, this past summer, I’ve partnered with the Yard: Midtown Village, a coworking space in Center City, Philadelphia. In addition to interviewing Philadelphia-based freelancers, I’ve photographed and reported on the space’s community events, such as rooftop yoga and Coded By Kids meetup.

Now, help me continue to help you. I want to expand the Millennial Freelancer’s audience by investing in advertising and marketing, so our readership can reach more millennial freelancers ever, all over the world. To bring the Millennial Freelancer to that next step, I launched a Patreon, where you can contribute as little as $1 per month.

Let’s work together to grow the blog’s readership. If you’d like to make a one-time donation, please do so here. Thank you in advance for your support!

