Elon Musk Trump Vibes

He even has a MAGA-like bro army

John Polonis
Published in
6 min readMay 23, 2022



Over the past few weeks, Elon Musk has been sending major Donald Trump vibes. He has tried to renege on a deal, in the same way Trump screwed over contractors for decades. He has started a “fake news” style crusade against the “far left.” And most recently, he has been accused of sexual harassment. Like Trump, he has denied it, doubled-down by going after the accuser, and called it a “politically motivated hit piece.”

Elon even has his own legion of MAGA-like followers. They’re basically a bro army of Elon lovers who treat him as a messianic cult leader who is the only person capable of guiding humanity into the 21st century. Much like the way MAGA followers see Trump as America’s only solution.

Post anything remotely negative on Elon’s Reddit page. I dare you. The bro army will swarm like raging hornets.

So what happened to the CEO with bold ideas who was focused on pushing the human race forward? Instead of directing all of his efforts on getting us to Mars or completely off gasoline, he has willingly jumped into the political mud.

Nobody asked Elon to serve as the free speech champion of the world. That is, “free speech” according to Elon.

Nobody forced him to suddenly become political, despite years of relative…



John Polonis

Lawyer writing on law & politics, artificial intelligence, and the future of it all.