This Is Not About Banning Gas Stoves

Democrats keep losing the culture wars

John Polonis
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2023


Photo by Mykola Makhlai on Unsplash

Modern Republicans struggle with many things, including ethics, fascism, and objective truths. But one area where they excel is in the culture wars. So when Democrats raised awareness around the health and environmental dangers of gas stoves, it was like hanging a meat carcass above a pit of rabid hyenas.

Why Democrats continue to beat themselves in the culture wars and with basic processes like Biden’s classified documents and Hillary’s emails is beyond frustrating. Even when the issues are largely nothingburgers, Republicans transform them into full-course meals filled with grave threats to freedom and democracy. And the base — without much critical thought — nods their heads and turns the volume on their MAGA-phones up even louder.

So do Democrats really want to come for your gas stoves?

No. At least I don’t think so based on everything I’ve read.

But frankly, their messaging on the topic sucks.

Of all the issues that actually threaten democracy today, risk geopolitical chaos or armageddon, why are politicians even messaging about gas stoves?



John Polonis

Lawyer writing on law & politics, artificial intelligence, and the future of it all.