Why All Creatives Must Watch The Beatles Get Back Documentary

It is a course in creativity.

Johnny P
Published in
5 min readDec 9, 2021


Photo by Fedor on Unsplash

If you have yet to dedicate 8 hours of your life to The Beatles Get Back documentary, block time now. It is required watching for all creatives. No footage exists — that I’m aware of — of such transcendent artistic and cultural icons working through their creative process. It is like watching Picasso paint or Michelangelo sculpt David in real time.

The footage reminded me of The Last Dance documentary that focused on Jordan’s Bulls final season. The Beatles Get Back was similarly focused on The Beatles’ last dance, a documentary that culminated in their final live show atop the roof of Apple Records. In both instances, the players on each team knew the end was near. Yet in each case, they were able to make magic happen despite internal drama, whether it was George Harrison temporarily quitting or Dennis Rodman disappearing in Las Vegas.

For anyone looking for inspiration and direction on the mindset greatness requires, watch The Last Dance and study Kobe Bryant. For anyone aspiring for a creative pursuit, The Beatles Get Back is required viewing. If anything, the documentary shows how “normal” The Beatles were. It was not like muses descended from the heavens and suddenly struck them with special creative powers. They slogged through a…



Johnny P

Lawyer writing on law & politics, artificial intelligence, and the future of it all.