“I could never do that” is bullsh*t.

Chris Marchie
The Millennials
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2017


When we’re young our parents tell us we can do anything.

People on TV say that whatever we put our mind to we can achieve.

Oprah tells us that we can’t be held down by what others think.

We’re all dreamers being told what to dream. Disney’s draws us castles and princesses with charming princes and colorful sidekicks. White wealthy businessmen tell you to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and work hard. Multi-billion dollar industries say that you can be fit and cool too, but only if you throw down money on their weight loss program.

For Christs sake please stop paying for weight loss programs.

Consumerist culture is superficial. It keeps us staring at the clouds when the real problems exist beneath the ground. It helps us cover up everything that exposes us to the least amount of discomfort.

Make up.




Why are we always outsourcing our problems? What about our own physical, mental or emotional state of being? Why is our disguise our identity?

Every day we walk around in Halloween costumes. Then one day a year we go too far. We take the chance to fake our own fantasy. To play into a predetermined dream.

I know, I like the candy too.

To the girl who told me she couldn’t quit eating wheat,

You can do whatever you want to do. Just because you won’t doesn’t mean you could not. Please don’t insult yourself in my presence. If you choose not to stop eating bread, own it. You have the power here. It’s all in your hands.

Circumstances suck. They’re not unbeatable. Beat them. Thrive despite them. Come out the other side stronger than ever.

Start saying you can.

I can and I will. — Gina Rodriguez

Well, glad I got that off my chest.

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