MKIG awarded funding from Milton Keynes Council

Maisy Taylor
The Milton Keynes Investors Group (MKIG)
2 min readJan 13, 2022

Since the pandemic hit, we haven’t been able to host our usual in-person events at MKIG, so we temporarily moved the network online. So, we’re thrilled to announce that Milton Keynes Council has awarded us a grant, which will assist us in relaunching the network, advertising our services, and responding to the need startups have for investment.

What does the Milton Keynes Investors Group do?

MKIG is an angel network whose members are predominately based in the Milton Keynes borough.

The purpose of our network is to connect early-stage, high-growth startups and SMEs with angel investors to increase local economic growth and support innovation.

The network operates as a not-for-profit organisation and is completely free for businesses to pitch and for investors to attend. So, we rely solely on sponsorship to fund our activities.

MKIG has now become widely known and praised in both the local and national media; we proudly featured in “Best Places for Business” and “New Town to Boom Town” articles in The Sunday Times.

Photo by daniel james on Unsplash

What do we intend to use the grant for?

We are particularly interested in attracting startups that address wider socioeconomic issues, such as climate change and social inequalities. For this reason, we wish to use our funding to advertise the network, engage with the ‘best-in-class’ companies, and encourage investment in sustainable, social enterprises.

We also plan to use the grant to improve the reputation of Milton Keynes as a place for startups to thrive, helping MK Council achieve their renew goal of “promoting Milton Keynes as a place to invest, create and relocate sustainable jobs and investment”.

Investing in startups provides the foundations for the next generation of businesses. Conceivably, if those startups perform well, they will create jobs and continue to innovate, assisting the recovery of the economy post-COVID and long-term sustainable growth.

If you are a startup wishing to pitch to the network, or you are an angel investor looking to attend, you can find all the details about how to sign up at

If you are an MK based business and wish to sponsor our events, please contact

