Tony Burkinshaw
The Mind Coach Kit Bag
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1 min readDec 5, 2019



Hi everyone & welcome to the first ‘Mind Coach Kit Bag’ newsletter.

As promised, I’m letting you know there’s a great new article for you to discover in the Kit Bag!

Why does my brain keep telling me to be scared? 3 simple steps to stop catastrophising.

Our minds try to keep us safe from scary things. The problem is, sometimes they keep us safe by making us more scared than we need to be!

This article helps you turn your mind away from catastrophising. It’s practical and, if I say so myself, quite a good read :-)

I’d love to know what you think so I can help you even more. Do reply or leave me a comment when you can.

As always, do feel free to share.

All the best




Tony Burkinshaw
The Mind Coach Kit Bag

Harley Street therapist & coach. Helping you beat stress, anxiety & depression. Writer, blogger, story-teller.