Don’t forget about Self-Care

Juju Aniśko
The Mind of JuJu
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2017

Many of us work hard to help others. We do our best to fight against discrimination, even if we aren’t activists or propagating our views in many ways. Even the smallest efforts are beautiful and sometimes more worth than donating thousands of dollars to those who need it (though that is also very beneficial for funding).

We are taught to focus on helping people, on helping OTHERS. But there is one person that sometimes needs the help a lot more than those other people. Someone who is forgotten and who’s cries for help aren’t heard by us.

That person is us. Yes, when you look into a mirror, the person looking back at you also needs help, maintenance, care and love. We are sometimes so focused on helping and saving others, always reaching out to those who need it… that we forget to help ourselves.

Self-care is crucial. We need time to re-energize, we need time to focus on ourselves, we need that break to just let go of the outside world and look inside. I understand that there are people to save, people who are in need of care. But you are also in need of care, in need of love. Don’t forget about yourself.

Learn to be aware of what is going on inside. How are you feeling? Are you tired? Stressed? Mentally drained but still determined to push forward until you drop? Take time to quiet down, take a cup of warm tea and tune in with yourself. Take a few steps back away from situations that leave you drained, that leave you stressed. Let go of drama and take time to heal.

If we are to help others, we can’t be a walking ball of stress or a emotionally drained zombie. Put on your favorite song, do a meditation session, take a walk… Take time for yourself and give yourself that extra dose of love and care.

Never forget about yourself, take some time off for your bit of self-care.

~JuJu, #mindofjuju

