Let’s talk Blood, Menstrual Blood

Juju Aniśko
The Mind of JuJu
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2016

Usually* humans who have a uterus have menstrual cycles. The first thing that might pop into someone’s mind when they hear menstrual is: blood, pain, PMS, hormones, more blood, moody, etc. Sounds like a horror story, doesn’t it? (Yes, for some, it can be. Acute menstrual pain, and other side effects can make menstruation unpleasant.)

Let’s be honest here for a minute: Media and society HATES talking about periods. It’s taboo. It is deemed terrifying, disgusting, dirty… Any sign of blood on panties or any talk of menstruation is enough to have something taken down on social media. Moreover, menstruation has gained a derogatory form in culture as well. People commenting ex. on an angered woman, saying she’s PMSing. Mood swings and hormones are almost always connected with menstruation. Blood makes people squirm, and women change pads and tampons as if it were the most forbidden thing in the world, seeing their periods as a disgusting unnecessary element of their life and body.

Menstruation can also become an element of dysphoria for trans and non-binary folks. It’s connected with womanhood and the gender “woman”, so those who don’t identify it despise their cycle for being so “female”.

This is where change comes in!

I’ve learned to accept my menstrual cycle, not as a symbol of womanhood, but rather as my natural flow. It’s how my body works and I love it. I celebrate my period, that very flow of blood. Through acceptance, my menstrual cycle has become so empowering. Using natural remedies, I work around those monthly cramps. I no longer cringe at the sight of bloodied pads. (Though I hope to someday exchange those disposable pads for a moon cup.) I take time during my period to meditate and focus on my body, I slow down and look inward.

Menstruation is powerful, and should not be feared nor hated. Learn to embrace it, learn to celebrate it. This won’t happen overnight, but to those who experience menstrual cycles: Love your menstrual cycle, your menstrual blood as well! Befriend your cycle and your body. This isn’t something only women endure, this isn’t something that society should demonize. It’s natural, it’s normal, it’s wonderful.

-JuJu, #mindofjuju

*Note: not every uterus-owning human has their period due to various reasons.

