Christopher Martlew
On Being Agile
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2015


But are you right? Hold On A Second…Time Out…

We often feel a pressure to force an outcome onto a situation:

“She must agree with me!” or, “I need to prove my point!” or, “If I fail to win this debate it will be bad for me!”

Aha..the ego trying to prove its worth again?

If we can let go of the emotional urgency to respond and focus gracefully on the process, we will put ourselves into a state whereby we can, paradoxically, better influence the outcome.

Ever got irritated in a meeting or conversation and said something you later came to regret? Don’t worry, you’re not alone…we’ve all been there, seen it, done it…said it.

If we can judge instead of reacting, we can reduce stress and increase composure.

Hold on a second…literally…give your self a break…time to think.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor E. Frankl, Neurologist and psychiatrist

Yeah…I know…easier said than done.

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Chris Martlew’s new book, Changing the Mind of the Organization — Building Agile Teams, is available at,, and other good bookstores.




Christopher Martlew
On Being Agile

Chris Martlew is a Technology Executive, author and speaker.