Christopher Martlew
On Being Agile
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Feb 17, 2023


How does ChatGPT know stuff? And why is it important?

Google issued a “code red” to emphasize the existential threat that ChatGPT (together with Microsoft) may form for their core business of search.

This new application of AI is a gamechanger at the magnitude of the PC/Windows, the internet/www and the iPhone/mobile.

More here.

How does ChatGPT know stuff?

Well…health warning, often it doesn’t, and it can get things spectacularly and hilariously wrong. Notwithstanding its ability to pass MBA and other university-level exam questions.

ChatGPT is a conversational interface built on an underlying engine called GPT-3. GPT-3 is a Deep Neural Network. As such, it mimics the human brain. It has ‘artificial neurons’ which create ‘artificial intelligence’.

More here.

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Christopher Martlew
On Being Agile

Chris Martlew is a Technology Executive, author and speaker.