On being a Successful Millennial

Christopher Martlew
On Being Agile
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2017


Get up early, work hard, strike oil.

That was J.P Getty’s formula for success. (Whether he was successful, apart from being extremely rich, may be a moot point.)

The first two may be relatively easy (get up early and work hard) and the third (strike oil) a matter of luck — or maybe not?

Actually I think Getty got it the wrong way around — at least in a modern, post-millennium, generation-y world.

Millennials need to strike oil first. The rest will follow.

By striking oil I don’t mean drilling a hole in the ground and hoping that the dark stuff sprays out the top of a tower. Nor do I mean being a billionaire before the age of 30 — although having some money helps.

Striking oil is about finding something you love doing; it’s about happening upon a great employer; or being your own employer; having a good boss; friendly colleagues; being in an interesting industry; having great clients; doing challenging work; being part of a team; contributing…making the world a better place.

Strike oil first — it makes getting up early and working hard a lot easier.

That’s what I think…what do you think?

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Christopher Martlew
On Being Agile

Chris Martlew is a Technology Executive, author and speaker.