Want to Be a Witch?

How to use your imagination to take back your creative power

Sherry Mayle
The Mindful Swamp Witch


by Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock.com

As a teenager, Mom thought I could summon demons to my bedroom. She banned me from playing with Magic: The Gathering cards. The cards were making me sick, she said, and I shouldn’t want to play with cards that summon demons anyway.

I couldn’t summon demons. I was just a nerdy girl living in West Virginia, playing with fantasy cards and watching Charmed in my bedroom. Mom was crazy, and I wasn’t a witch.

But I wanted to be. Maybe that’s why she was so vigilant. Crazy or not, Mom sensed that if magic were real, I’d be a goner, pointy hat and all.

As an adult, I live as an artist in San Francisco where people let you get pretty woo-woo without a second glance. After six years of this life, perhaps my brain has turned to mush because I’ve decided we’re all witches.

We decide who the witches are

Back in ye olden day, the normies got to decide who witches were.

Dressing promiscuously? Witch.

Married too many times? Witch.

Fighting in public like you’re a man? Witch.

I have no doubt that if I’d been born back then, my corpse would’ve been swinging from a tree before I…



Sherry Mayle
The Mindful Swamp Witch

Laughter is the best medicine if you don’t have any real medicine.