In Conversation With Martin Robinson

Minds for Life
The MindZone
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018

On July 5th online influencers are coming together for an interactive panel discussion to discuss the issue of mental health on social media. Influencers have been thrown into a position of responsibility with their followers. The ‘Becoming A First Listener’ event will equip influencers with a digital “Mental Health First Aid Kit”. Empowering them with the correct tools and resources to become a “First Listener” — so they can better support themselves and their community with some of the mental health challenges that occur. We spoke to Martin Robsinson, author of The Book of Man, about the mental health and the online world.

  1. Why is raising awareness of mental health so important to you?

It comes from a personal place, having had mental health issues in the past, but also a professional one — in my years in men’s media, stories about mental health problems, and stats on things like male suicide, have grown to the point where I think it’s a national scandal.

2. What extra challenges do you think social media has created for mental wellbeing?

Impossible ideals of perfection to live up to. An environment where any mistakes you make are seized upon and potentially ridiculed. It can be fun, but it can also be very stressful, particularly for influencers who perhaps make a living out of social media. Then there’s the split between the online ‘you’ and the real ‘you.

3. What advantages has social media had in conversations about mental health?

For raising awareness of the issue it has allowed word to spread further, quicker. Many charities are making great use of these communities and increasingly I feel, brave people are opening up about their issues in a public forum. Classically for men, mental health issues are dealt with in isolation, so it’s good to hear other voices showing they’re not alone.

4. As an online influencer, what issues do you notice within your community that you would like support with?

Depression, suicidal feelings, generally quite serious ones that need proper expert advice.

5. What one thing do you think bloggers and influencers can do to better support their own mental health or that of their followers?

Be honest about it, if it does occur. And don’t be afraid to contact relevant charities or helplines for support for yourself and others. The other thing is know when to take a break from online life to recharge.

