What makes the right therapist for you?

Minds For Life
The MindZone
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2018

How does finding the right therapist for you benefit your life?

Starting therapy is a big decision to make. One challenge that is regularly faced is finding the right therapist to suit you. Everyone is different and therefore, so are our needs. Because of this, our reactions to methods and approaches will not be the same as someone else’s. A therapist is there to guide you, and they will help you to make the best progress in the most appropriate way for you. You may find yourself trying a few different therapists before finding the right fit for you but, finding the right one for you will transform your sessions.

When choosing a therapist, you want to ensure that your counsellor is qualified to do the right job for you. Their area of expertise will vary such as children, adults, couples or families as well as their experience. It’s also important to be aware of their qualifications. Being aware of the differences between member and accredited, and whether your therapist is attached to a professional body is important to keep in mind.

Your therapist should be empathetic towards your feelings; this will benefit the relationship you have with them. By putting themselves in your shoes their responses will be compassionate and more suited to you. As well as being empathetic, your therapist should also offer a practical response to how you’re feeling. Their feedback should both nurture your feelings as well as helping you to move forward.

It takes a lot for you to address your emotions with your therapist so you want to know that they are always listening to you both in and outside of your sessions. You want them to take an interest in what you’re saying — currently and previously. When you feel like your therapist is listening to you, you feel valued. The more valued you feel, the better you’ll feel and this will help improve your mental well-being.

When you talk with your therapist the goals they set will be a good indicator for you to know whether they are truly listening to what you are saying. The goals they set you should be realistic based on what you’ve discussed and what you want to achieve.

If your therapist listens and reflects to what you’re saying session to session this will help to build your trust with them. When you trust your therapist and their methods you will feel more at ease and relaxed. This will only benefit and help your progress. When you have trust in what someone is saying, it makes you more open minded to what they suggest. Feel sceptical around your therapist and the advice they give you will only make you hesitant towards making any changes they may suggest.

The more you trust your therapist, the more relaxed you’ll become with them and you’ll believe in yourself more. We find it easier to believe in ourselves when someone else believes in us first. This is the same if we feel like no one believes in us, we won’t believe in ourselves. As your relationship with your therapist grows and develops, your self-belief will also flourish and changes will start being made. Finding the right therapist for you can take longer than you originally anticipated however once you find the perfect fit you won’t look back. Your therapist could be the key to a new, more confident and positive version of you.

