5 Simple Ways To Make Cal Newport’s Slow Productivity Work For You

How to get more done — while working at a reasonable pace

Katie E. Lawrence
The Minimal Life


Frank Flores — Unsplash+

My latest Audible “read” has been Slow Productivity by Cal Newport. Ironically, I’ve been listening to it at x2 speed, which maybe isn’t the point, but I had to confess that he talks too slowly for my ADHD brain to handle.

Anyway, it’s been a great book.

He takes the ideas he originally published in Deep Work, expounds upon them in A World Without Email, and takes them even further to say that we need to change the entire way we approach and think about our work and life.

“Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.”― Cal Newport, Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout

It’s not just about getting rid of email or having some periods of our lives where we do deeper work; it’s about living at a pace that doesn’t burn us out by how much we’re trying to do.

Here are some of the practical ideas I’ve gotten and generated from the book:

#1: Stop working on 5 million projects at a time



Katie E. Lawrence
The Minimal Life

Soon to be B.S. in Human Development & Family Science. I write about life, love, stories, psychology, family, technology, and how to do life better together.