12 Books in 12 Months: The Participant Book Index

Find every book that his been published (Updated 6/10/2024)

The Minimalist Author


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Hello Friends!

If you have been following along, some of us have entered into the challenge that changes everything.

We are writing 12 books in 12 months.

Sounds crazy? It might be, but so far, there have been some amazingly helpful books published and more people are joining the challenge every day!

After some reflection as authors are starting to publish their books, it only made sense that we keep an index for all the participant books.

Creating the Index

I (J.R. HEIMBIGNER), will update this page every month as books are published so that you come come through and find the latest and greatest.

In the index, I will have the author name and then their book links below. This post will be updated, so it will grow as we go, and I will share on my Substack page and on social media, every time it is updated.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. If you want to join the challenge, check out this story:



The Minimalist Author

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com