Introducing a New Type of Podcast

The Atomic or Minimalist Podcast

The Minimalist Author


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I’m really enjoying the atomic content revolution.

I am writing more short posts, more short books, and now, I am going to take a new step into the revolution.

The Atomic Podcast

Now, this isn’t a new thing. But, I think its time to jump into it as a minimalist author.

People have questions, people want to know more, and people still listen to podcasts.

Most of all, I have found myself turning of podcasts longer than 20 minutes. But the short ones, I love.

So, why not create one of my own?

The Minimalist Author Podcast

In this podcast, we will focus on one point about writing, self-publishing, side hustling, or something else along these lines.

And each podcast will be no more than five minutes long to make them easy to consume.

My goal is to also make them actionable. If we talk about something, there will be a call to action (not to sign up to my newsletter), that will hopefully get people moving on their work today.

What do you say? Will you join the Minimalist Author Podcast?



The Minimalist Author

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: