The Minimalist Author’s Amazon KDP Shortcut to Success

Overcome the common obstacles to book sales

The Minimalist Author
7 min readMar 15, 2024


Image Created by Author with Canva Pro (Book Cover also in Canva Pro)

“Amazon KDP is over saturated, no one bought my book,” said the author on YouTube trying to convince people to stay clear of Amazon KDP.

I stopped the video and moved on. I’ve heard it all before. Self-publishing authors do all the hard work to write, edit, design, and publish a book. Yet, they don’t see any sales and they blame the platform.

They send their book link to their friends, family, and social media. Then they pray that it will sell. After a month, only mom and grandma bought their book and they’ve made nothing.

This is an all to common story.

Yet, it doesn’t have to be your story. And even if it is, I want to help you cut through the obstacles keeping you from seeing book sales.

It’s going to take some work, but it is 100% worth it when you finally see some traction after making changes.

And, you can take what you learn here with a book you’ve already published and develop your marketing plan for your next book!

Let’s dive into this together today and help you get the ball moving with your book sales.

Amazon KDP Overview



The Minimalist Author

#1 Bestselling Author of 15 books on Amazon | Helping people go from writers to authors, let's chat: