Write for Us & Submission Guidelines

What You Need to Know About Writing for the Minimalist Author

The Minimalist Author


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The Minimalist Author keeps things simple.

Their books are short and to the point. Their content is short and to the point. And they don’t overcomplicate their writing, publishing, and promotion process.

I fit that mold. Do you?

This publication is dedicated to the Minimalist Author. It is for any level of writing and any level of book publishing efforts.

  • If you are just starting to write your book, you belong here.
  • If you have published dozens of books, you belong here.
  • If you are somewhere in between, you belong here too.

Our Goal: Share our experience, create as simply as possible.

My hope for this publication is to help share information. I want to help people write and publish books. And I want to see them do it as simply as possible.

We live in the golden age of self-publishing books.

It’s a great time to write and publish books because all the doors are unlocked. No one can tell you know. And if you have an expertise, experience, or solution to a problem, you can…



The Minimalist Author

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com