
A typical Pixar Cinematic Experience…

Umang Mehta
The Minimalist Critic


Image Courtesy: Onward Official Facebook Page

It is everything a Pixar movie is… an adventure, a touching story, an emotional ride, a journey of self-discovery and everything that spells a feel-good movie and most of all it makes you realize the brighter side of human relationships… in this case about the importance of an elder sibling.

The premise is apparent from the trailer itself. Yet it has a lot in store. There are no big surprises or suspense. But it has brilliant characterization, moments and situational nuances. Yet the true brilliance of every Pixar movie lies in the small details that they get right. Especially, how the movie title ties into the movie. It is an animated fantasy yet every object and aspect in the scenes that depict the real world are as realistic as the real objects. With that the camera work and lighting, although digitally created, are brilliant, creating breathtaking visuals and edge-of-the-seat action sequences.

The star cast justifies the characters they voice. Tom Holland is Ian Lightfoot, a teenager who grew up without ever seeing his father and only hearing things about him from others and getting an opportunity of a lifetime to see what he was like actually. Chris Pratt is Barley Lightfoot, elder brother of Ian and a fearless, risk-taking guy who only seeks a quest. Together they share the great chemistry of siblings in the…



Umang Mehta
The Minimalist Critic

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