It’s personal, the hero and digital minimalism

axel antas-bergkvist
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2 min readOct 20, 2017

It’s hard for me to fathom that we now are more than 3000 individuals creating a community that I truly believe in. I’m a firm believer that the mindset we share is one piece of the puzzle to a fulfilling life. And that the opposite, materialistic mindset causes more harm than we see on the surface.

I hope that together, we can help others to a better life, as well as helping alleviate some of the strain we put on the environment today.

This is personal

I credit my venture into minimalism, and this publication as a product of that, to my mother. I’m happy that her choices made me stroll down this path, but it’s also heartbreaking to see what they’ve done for her.

What I want to say is that minimalism is personal and close to heart for me. And seeing this community grow is a beautiful thing to watch.

The hero of MinimalHero

When it comes to belongings & everything physical, I consider myself a Jedi. What’s unfortunate is that this haven’t yet translated into the digital world for me. Due to this I haven’t been able to dedicate the time needed to actually take care of this publication the way it should.

In comes Stephen Cognetta, who reaches out and shares not only the mindset but also the passion, it’s an instant match.

He took charge, and steered us back on course, improving and taking it to the level it is on today. For this, I’d like to extend a huge thank you, from both myself and from the community as a whole.

Digital Minimalism & the plugin

(here comes the plugin plug)

After a period of being burned out I acquired some “bad habits” that have been stealing my time for the past couple of months.

Facing an obstacle during this time I’ve taken the easy way out, resorting to scrolling the Facebook or LinkedIn feed.

This is the opposite of who I am, and this behaviour is harmful on my happiness (not to mention productivity).

So I created a browser extension for Google Chrome, which removes the feed from the two platforms.

After this I was able to re-focus from fixes to improvements, and added a function that limits the number of tabs that can be open. I added this to prevent myself from even trying to multitask.

Next up, I’m adding a function that blocks URL’s during certain hours of the day (or days), but after this I’m not sure on where to go.

I need your help!

(Here comes the call to action)

What would you add next? Do you have any techniques, hacks or methods that can be translated into a feature?

I don’t doubt for a second that this community can come up with some amazing ideas, so please, if you have anything, reach out!

And seeing as none of the current features are unique in any way, please do promote plugins that you use and like!

Sincerely yours,
Axel Antas-Bergkvist
aabergkvist at gmail, twitter & dot com.

