NSA Director Agrees Conway’s Spy Microwave Comment “Hilarious” As Bead of Sweat Forms on Forehead

Gus Tate
The Minute Light
Published in
1 min readMar 13, 2017

FORT MEADE, MD—Joining a chorus of voices mocking White House advisor Kellyanne Conway for her assertion that microwaves can be used as surveillance equipment, NSA director Keith Brian Alexander confirmed the comment to be “totally ridiculous and laughable” as a single bead of sweat formed just below his hairline.

“I mean, how stupid do you have to be,” said Alexander, hurriedly closing multiple windows on his laptop, “to think microwaves can be used to spy on people. Hilarious.”

Alexander then shuffled several papers from his desk into a filing cabinet before adding, “Honestly, the stuff that comes out of that dumb cunt’s mouth sometimes.”

