Structured Water : A belief

Vishwak Ravi
The Miscellany Cloud
2 min readNov 20, 2020

Let’s face it. Nothing around you is as real as water. Water is Truth! And yet, have you heard of ‘Structured’ water?

What is Structured Water?

It refers to the molecular arrangement of water (H2O) in a hexagonal shape. In nature, water is structured when it is free flowing (think rivers and streams), and near hydrophilic surfaces. water supplied to houses now is pumped through pipes, and makes sharp turns to get to our taps. This journey erodes the water’s ‘memory’, whereby it is said to have lost its structure.

source: 24–7 press release

Structured water is believed to share the same properties as water that is not contaminated/polluted by human activity, thereby making it ‘healthier’ than tap or filtered water.

Water makes up the bulk of our physical self, and it is structured water that is present in our cells as our bodily tissues are water loving (hydrophilic). According to proponents of this theory, drinking structured water ensures your body is ‘hydrated’ in the right sense of the word!


Making your own structured water at home shouldn’t be too difficult, if you can do either of the following :

  • Vortexing the water by passing it through a funnel with pebbles or marbles in it
  • Exposing water to natural heat and energy, like sunlight

Vortexing water helps charge it, inducing it with energy. This energy is said to recharge and hydrate the body better than ordinary water.

Uses for your structured water

Once you have your water structured, you will find that there are a zillion ways to use it. Some of my favourites are :

  • Drink it!
  • Water your plants with it (It’s like watering them some positivity)
  • Cook with it
  • Spritz your face with it for a natural toner
  • Make your herbal teas with it
  • Feed your pets

Human Consciousness and Water

Our thoughts can structure water, too! According to Japanese businessman Masaru Emoto, human consciousness can affect the molecular structure of water. In his book ‘The Hidden Messages in Water’ (2004), Emoto backs his theory with photographs of ice crystals and accompanying experiments.


Water truly is a miracle element, if we have the right attitude to make the most of its every form.

