Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?

Welcome to the Missing Manual for Star Wars: The Old Republic


A lot has changed in Star Wars: The Old Republic since we first started playing more than four years ago during the beta. Some changes have been good, some… well, those conversations are for another day and time. But what doesn’t change is people’s love for Star Wars. It has been and remains one of The Old Republic’s greatest advantages — people are always going to be curious about a game that takes you to a galaxy far, far away.

Yet because of some of the changes to occur in game over the past year or more, a lot of the players who were around from the beginning have moved on. At the same time, if you venture into the forums or the /r/swtor subreddit it quickly becomes clear that new players are hungry to learn. Hungry for more information and ways to get better, and more fully understand the game. But if all the experienced players are gone, if the guides and videos veterans used reliably in the past are outdated, how are new players supposed to get that information?

What we are

The Missing Manual for SWTOR will aim to be just what the name implies — a guide for new players that shares the basic yet essential knowledge that veteran players might take for granted. We hope to provide, through posts and videos, the necessary context of four years worth of experience and knowledge in the game in order to provide new players with the means to get the most out of their time with SWTOR. Realizing along the way that SWTOR, by its nature as a story-driven game and as a Star Wars franchise, has attracted a ton of new players in the last year, players who may not have ever played an MMO before. We’ll strive to explain things without resorting to common MMO jargon while still detailing all of the things that makes SWTOR unique in the MMO space.

What we are not

Experts in everything. When we don’t know something, we will admit it, and try to point you in the direction of a more knowledgeable resource.

The only game in town. These are the strategies that have consistently worked for us over the years. They are not the only methods or best practices out there. If you know of a better way to do something, please share! We’re always interested in improving and having more fun in game.

A place for advanced strategies. We may get more and more advanced in our posts and guides as time goes on, but that will be determined largely by you, our audience. In the meantime, we’re really focusing our efforts to new and returning players. If you’re looking for more advanced strategies there are plenty of brilliant people out there doing great great work to keep you informed on endgame and the finer details of more advanced gameplay.,, are just to name a few.

What we need from you

Feedback! Suggestions for topics. Screenshots to liven up our posts with… We hope to be largely driven by the needs of the community. We’re here to help, so if there’s a topic you would like us to tackle, if there’s a way we can present the information to you in a better way, anything we can do to help you enjoy SWTOR more… PLEASE let us know!

Thanks for checking us out and may the force be with you.


