Americans Are More Complex Than Our Political Choices: Abortion Rights

Alex Ashton
The Missing Middle
Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2024


Another way Americans buck the Republican/Democrat, left/right divide on social issues.

Photo by Emma Guliani via Pexels

Americans are often broken down to political groupings created by and for the political elite.

We’re either Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, left or right. And while many chose to play along, most of us hate it.

This is not an opinion series, but an objective reporting of several notable polls taken over the last year. As issues are tossed in our faces by the politicians and media, polls like this should be used to help keep us grounded. Whether in support or in opposition to the issues we plan to tackle, you have to know where the public stands so you can discuss the issues rationally.

Here is one way where Americans buck the media and politically-forced divides: Abortion Rights.

Abortion: Choice, Please

Support for abortion rights continues to increase in the wake of the Dobbs decision, which effectively overturned Roe vs. Wade and pushed the issue back to the states.

According to Gallup, a majority of Americans support some level of abortion rights, with circumstantial regulations.



Alex Ashton
The Missing Middle

History, culture, family, religion, data, and technology from a center-left, civil libertarian, middle-class perspective. Publisher: The Missing Middle.