Americans are More Complex Than Our Political Choices: Marijuana

Alex Ashton
The Missing Middle
Published in
6 min readFeb 28, 2024


Yet another way Americans buck the Republican/Democrat, left/right divide.

Photo by Brandon Nickerson via Pexels
  • Americans overwhelmingly support the legalization of marijuana
  • Support comes from nearly every major demographic and political leaning
  • States are leading the way, but some lag woefully behind
  • Congress or a federal government process can change things at the national level

Americans are now overwhelmingly in support of legalizing marijuana.

Support for the legalization of marijuana has seen an incredible trajectory of growth since 1969. That was the first year Gallup polled Americans on the issue, at which time it received a paltry 12%.

As of November 2023, Gallup found support for legalizing marijuana to be at an all time high at 70%.

Gallup (Source)

Another poll of likely voters taken in early 2024 by conservative pollster The Tarrance Group found support for legalization at the federal level at 57%, with every single demographic in favor. Every group factored in their poll has at least…



Alex Ashton
The Missing Middle

History, culture, family, religion, data, and technology from a center-left, civil libertarian, middle-class perspective. Publisher: The Missing Middle.