Introducing: The Missing Middle

Alex Ashton
The Missing Middle
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2023


A publication to boost the voice of the missing moderate, independent middle class.

Text: The Missing Middle
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Today I am pleased to announce the launch of a new publication: The Missing Middle.

The Missing Middle promotes stories on how socio-economic shifts and divisive politics impact American middle-class stability and moderate voices. We try to approach from a place of empathy and understanding and conclude our stories with solutions for bridging gaps, finding common causes, and revitalizing centrism.

The goal is for this to be a space for unapologetically classic liberal voices who no longer feel they fit in among the designations of Republican, Democrat, Left, or Right as defined by the media and party elite.

Those who respect the United States Constitution and individual freedoms, and wish to tell stories and debate within that context.

This is a space for quality stories on the issues that affect the middle-class, not petty politics.

Want to learn more? This story is a good place to start to learn a bit about where we…



Alex Ashton
The Missing Middle

History, culture, family, religion, data, and technology from a center-left, civil libertarian, middle-class perspective. Publisher: The Missing Middle.