11 Steps For Branding With Stories

Cheryl Snapp Conner
Published in
5 min readMar 3, 2017

As entrepreneurs, Diane Engelman, PhD, and JB Allyn, MBA, have been perfecting a methodology over the past 12 years that is burgeoning in popularity today. Engelman, a neuropsychologist, and Allyn, a psychology writer, have been pairing their talents to create personal stories to support growth and healing for the clients they serve. The results are profound.

As marketers, you can use their methods as well. Today’s best marketers are becoming adept at “Story Branding”: the use of storytelling to create impactful and memorable brands.

JB Allyn, MBA, and Diane Engelman, PhD (Image courtesy of PowerUpStory.com)

In psychology, Engelman and Allyn write stories for clients that help them to reframe their situations in a way that empowers them, rewires faulty thinking, and propels their success.

The same is true for marketers who can use stories as a way to embody the values they want their brands to not just represent, but exude — such as trusted partnerships, vibrant customer experiences, financial protection, safety and joy. Storytelling is a powerful vehicle that imprints the vital aspects of your product and business in your customers’ psyche, to build and support their desire to buy.

While the duo has been highly successful in private practice, they are now stepping forward with an expanded venture “Story Power Up” to give the general population (and other entrepreneurs) the ability to create and to change their stories as well. There are books, speaking appearances and products in the making. Meanwhile, they’ve offered some of the best of their thinking in a whitepaper that readers can download from their new website, StoryPowerUp.com, free of charge.

So how do you capture the power of stories in the development of your own brand? Here are the primary steps proposed by Jim Signorelli in his book “StoryBranding 2.0” (a book who’s research has been influential in Engleman’s and Allyn’s work):

Creating the Story

1. Collecting the backstory — the “Once upon a time”

Perhaps there was a single entrepreneur with a vision, or a discovery or idea. Or perhaps there was a burning need or a life-changing event that spurred the invention of the product or service you sell.

2. Characterizing the brand

Just like your high school English teacher told you, “Name the dog.” Is it big, small, fierce, protective or cuddly? Be as accurate and descriptive as possible in communicating the aspects of your brand that matter to others. “Honest tea.” “A safer helmet.” “The fashion-forward apparel that supports your success at the gym.”

3. Characterizing the prospect

Who is the audience (or audiences) your product addresses? What are their bleeding needs and concerns? What would they value so highly they’d be willing to sign up with you in advance, or even evangelize what you’re doing to others?

4. Connecting the characters

Think of the vendors and consumers like the opposite camps of kinds lined up against the walls at a junior high dance. What will it take to get them engaged and connected? A trial — a case study — a project that ignites their shared passion — whatever these things might be, create the opportunities for the players in your story to test your theory, to try the idea on for size, and then to engage.

5. Confronting the obstacles

Every story has obstacles. These are much of what makes for an interesting tale. The barriers in traditional medicine. New approaches to Parkinson’s, or autism. Describe the challenges and share the legends and the experiences of those who excel.

6. Completing the storybrief

This is the “elevator pitch” of your story — the core elements that will identify your audience, their needs, and the value proposition you offer in a format that is memorable and that quickly compels.

Notes Signorelli in an interview about his book: “Stories don’t push influence on us, they pull us into becoming influenced. They inspire rather than force identification. And they create resonance to the extent that we share the underlying belief that is espoused.”

Telling the Story

When you have your story developed, test it out on a variety of audiences. Tell it to people who like you, to people who may not like you, and tell it to people you’ve never worked with before. What resonates? Are there parts that people “don’t get?” In every instance, tell the truth (but tell it with passion and power) and gauge the way your listeners respond.

Here’s a link to six or so good brand story examples among currently popular brands. Now it’s ready to take to your website, to your visual brand and tagline, and to develop further into the storylines of the related columns, articles, and chapters you tell. For those who’d like to take the next step, Engelman and Allyn’s whitepaper, The 5 Steps to Power Up Your Story offers these additional tips:

1. A Hero Mindset

How to stand in your power at the helm of the story you want to create and advance.

2. The Hunt: What do you Seek?

What is the purpose of your mission? To re-position and recover from prior abuse? To achieve self control to accomplish an “impossible goal?”

3. Recognize that Hurdles are Steps, not Barriers

Hard work is part of the process and challenges are a part of what makes your story interesting and real.

4. Who are your Helpers? There is help and support all around

One of the stories Engleman shares is of a young person whose helpers were a set of four collies that were present as protectors and comforters. The stories evolved and took on new complexion as the youngster grew and matured. Your story will identify your resources, protectors and helpers as well.

5. Power Ups: Propel your Progress

Yes, it’s a gaming term. (Stay tuned for more of this story, the duo suggests.) What are the power elements that can dramatically and quickly propel your success?

Regardless of the stage of your own business, now is the ideal time to hone your ability to develop and sell a powerful Story Brand.

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This story was originally published at www.forbes.com. Information about Cheryl Snapp Conner’s Content University program to help businesses and executives tell their stories better is available here.



Cheryl Snapp Conner

Cheryl Snapp Conner is founder and CEO of SnappConner PR and creator of Content University™. She is a popular speaker, author and columnist.