14 Boston CEOs You Need to Follow on Twitter

Larry Kim
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2018

Want to stay in the know about the startup and business world in Greater Boston?

Then you better know these 14 CEOs.

But you’ll get more than tweets about what’s happening at their companies. You’re as likely to see tweets that celebrate entrepreneurship as the local Boston sports teams — or tweets that will just bring a little levity or inspiration into your day.

Here’s a list of 14 Boston CEOs you should follow on Twitter.

1. Mohamad Ali

Twitter Handle: @mhsali

Mohamad Ali is CEO of Carbonite, which makes web-based software that backs up documents, e-mails, music, photos, and settings, You’ll find Ali most frequently tweeting and retweeting stories about cybersecurity, technology, job creation, and education.

2. Michael Baker

Twitter Handle: @michaelkbaker

With experience as an entrepreneur and a VC, now Mike Baker is CEO of DataXu, which offers cloud services to help marketers understand and gauge customers. Much of Baker’s Twitter feed is filled with news about DataXu, artificial intelligence (A.I.), and deep learning.

3. Matthew Barba

Twitter Handle: @MatthewBarba

Matthew Barba is CEO and co-founder of Placester, a one-stop shop that fulfills the online marketing needs of real estate agents. Follow Barba on Twitter and you’ll see a heavy focus on all things real estate, marketing, and technology.

4. Paul English

Twitter Handle: @englishpaulm

One of the more entertaining Twitter feeds you’ll find is from Paul English, the CEO of Lola (he also was co-founder of Kayak and has even driven for Uber, once dressed as a vampire on Halloween). You’ll find English tweeting about startups, travel, and technology.

5. Ralph Folz

Twitter Handle: @ralphfolz

Ralph Folz is the CEO of WordStream, which provides online marketing software as a service. It’s also the company I founded in 2007 (I left WordStream in March). He’s truly a great guy and takes pride in sharing all great things the company is accomplishing.

6. Brian Halligan

Twitter Handle: @bhalligan

Brian Halligan is CEO of HubSpot, which provides marketing and customer-retention software. His tweets — Inbound marketing, leadership, and diversity are among his favorite topics — are always informative, inspiring, or entertaining.

7. Jeff Immelt

Twitter Handle: @JeffImmelt

Jeff Immelt is the chairman and CEO of digital industrial company GE. Known for his insane work ethic, Immelt still finds time to tweet about industrial and digital technologies, energy, and aviation.

8. Rob May

Twitter Handle: @robmay

Rob May is CEO of Talla, which uses AI to manage repetitive and time-consuming administrative tasks. He tweets about topics including startups, A.I., and technology.

9. Art Papas

Twitter Handle: @artpapas

Art Papas is the founder and CEO of BullHorn, maker of online staffing and recruiting agency software. You’ll find Papas tweeting about robots, leadership, culture, and the staffing industry.

10. TJ Parker

Twitter Handle: @tjparker

TJ Parker is co-founder and CEO of PillPack, which makes it easier for patients to manage multiple medications. Parker is usually tweeting about healthcare, startups, and the biggest technology brands.

11. Seth Priebatsch

Twitter Handle: @sethpriebatsch

Seth Priebatcsch is the “chief ninja” of mobile payment platform LevelUp. Expect to find Priebatch excitedly tweeting about startups and mobile technology.

12. Jules Pieri

Twitter Handle: @julespieri

Jules Pieri is co-founder and CEO of The Grommet, a company that helps undiscovered products launch and succeed. Follow her for plenty of insights and stories about entrepreneurship.

13. Katie Rae

Twitter Handle: @ktrae

Katie Rae is CEO of The Engine, which offers support for entrepreneurs who want to make breakthroughs in science and technology . Rae tweets about investing, startups, technology and much more.

14. Jason Robins

Twitter Handle: @jasondrobins

Love sports? Well then make sure to follow entrepreneur Jason Robins on Twitter. When the CEO of fantasy sports site DraftKings tweets, it’s all sportsing, all day.

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About the Author

Larry Kim is the CEO of MobileMonkey — provider of the World’s Best Facebook Messenger Marketing Platform. He’s also the founder of WordStream.

You can connect with him on Facebook Messenger, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.

Originally published on Inc.com



Larry Kim

CEO of MobileMonkey. Founder of WordStream. Top columnist @Inc ❤️ AdWords, Facebook Advertising, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups & Venture Capital 🦄