25 Productivity Apps to Explore in 2018

The Official Yearly Toolkit to Get Organized

Francesco D'Alessio


As we start 2018, there’s a lot of focus on New Year’s Resolutions and accomplishing your yearly goals over the next 12 months. Each year around this time, I put together a selection of applications to try out!

All of these applications are focused on getting things done. Classic productivity. This toolkit is designed to kickstart your year, get yourself organised and begin to manage your priorities.

So if it’s a small hobby you want to manage or your life’s goals. These 25 productivity applications will give you a range of choice to pick from.

► Watch Productivity App Reviews here: Keep Productive on YouTube

Here’s all the Productivity Apps to Explore in 2018:

Task Managers

1. TickTick (free)

The Todoist challenger continues to make headway! Available on iOS, Mac, Windows (Preview) and Android, TickTick is one to watch in 2018!

2. Things 3 ($49.99)

