3 Obstacles Halting U.S. Cannabis Industry Momentum

Here are three specific roadblocks that we should address if we wish to remain competitive in the ever-growing global cannabis market.

Published in
7 min readJul 31, 2019


By Ben Owens, founder of CannaVenture

If we don’t act and address the current roadblocks inherent to the U.S. cannabis industry, we risk falling behind and missing out on what could be a new global gold rush.

As the popularity of legal cannabis industry continues to rise globally, projections in the billions of dollars are attracting both investors and governments looking to capitalize on these projected revenues. An untapped legal market with preexisting demand that can be invested in for pennies on the dollar seems like a dream come true for many venture capitalists and aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to take advantage of the newly-legal industry. Countries like Canada that have legalized cannabis on a national level are paving the way for multinational cannabis corporations that will dominate the international cannabis markets in the near future.

Meanwhile, the United States maintains some 30+ independent frameworks for how legal cannabis…




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