6 Life Changing Lessons for Creatives From Neil Gaiman

Colton Swabb
Published in
6 min readJun 30, 2017


In this article of Neil Gaimain’s advice for creatives, I think it’s best to start with Neil’s favorite piece advice from one of his idols, Stephen King, that he received when just starting out.

In response to the success of Neil’s Sandman comics, Stephen King said, “This is great. You should enjoy it.”

But he didn’t.

It was the best advice that he ever got, which he ignored.

Instead, he worried.

Worried about the next deadline, the next idea, the next story.

And there was not a moment for the next 15 years that Neil stopped and enjoyed the ride.

But in his commencement speech in 2012 at the University of Arts Philadelphia, Neil shares his regret about this and outlines his most important lessons he wish he knew starting out as a writer and a freelancer.

Hopefully, these 6 lessons help you let go and enjoy the ride and where you’re at in the creative journey, while you’re here.

Because you will never again be in this same place as you are now.

Lesson #1: You Don’t Need to Go to School to Create Good Art



Colton Swabb

Entrepreneur Advisor & Wisdom lover. You can read more and get my Notion Wisdom Planner for free here: https://www.wisdomwell.co