6 Practical Ideas of Shopping Online With Safety and Security

Pawan Kumar
Published in
7 min readJul 19, 2018


Online shopping — two words that many people get excited about, and sometimes even cancel other plans for, especially around *this* time of the year.

The holidays bring with them a load of offers, discounts, and special deals for shopaholics all over the world.

And how can the fun loving people of the world miss out on them? 🙂

Check out this quick fun fact:

Research indicates that shopping has a direct effect on the brain’s pleasure centers. It can flood the brain with dopamine, similar to the way a drug addict experiences a fix.”

Shopping is almost like a ritual for some people. And I’m not just talking about the regular brick and mortar stores.

When I say shopping, in this digital era, I also mean online shopping. We are living in the age of digital buying.

As a matter of fact, according to the Mintel Online Shopping US 215 Report, almost 70% of adults in the US shop online at least once in a month. Another one-third of them shop online once in a week.

eMarketer estimates, “In 2016, total retail e-commerce sales across the globe will reach $22.049 trillion. Sales will top $27 trillion in 2020, even as annual growth rates slow over the next few years,” as…



Pawan Kumar

Writer. Inbound Marketer. An Ambivert. Featured on Entrepreneur, Jeff Bullas, Addicted 2 Success, & HuffPost. My LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prepawan/