Out Of Motivation And Willpower? 7 Tactics That Work

Prakhar Verma
Published in
7 min readMay 18, 2018


You’re probably sick of hearing what you should do because it’s good for you or not do because it’s bad for you.

It’s not that you don’t want to improve your life.

You try hard. You reset goals failure after failure.

But it’s so darn tough. Isn’t it?

Today, you’re in luck because after experimenting with so many strategies out there, I’ve found the top 7 tactics that will help you achieve any change you want.

These tactics not only helped me make or break habits, they changed me as a person.

With the help of these tactics, you’ll transform yourself day by day until one day you’ll become a new you.

You ready for it?

Let’s start.

Tactic #1: Pour Oil To Remove Friction 🛢

Make it extremely easy for you to start something. The more steps you have to take, the easier it gets to procrastinate.

For example, when you want to go to the gym you may have to:

  • Get up (that’s a real pain)
  • Choose what to wear
  • Change your outfit
  • Pack your gym bag
  • Travel to the gym



Prakhar Verma

Actualize your potential. Remember who you are. Be the best version of yourself: https://bio.link/prakhar236