7 Uncommon Habits That Contribute To Success

Max Lukominskyi
3 min readJul 6, 2017



Your present reality is the outcome of seemingly innocuous actions, decisions, and choices. Despite their seemingly trivial role, the things you commit to on the daily basis define your efficiency and the pace you approach the things you want to accomplish with.

The habits you have developed over the years already make a profound impact on your productivity and success. Moreover, they will keep playing a significant role in the story of your life.

They will either take you closer to your aspirations or make you settle down for mediocre results.

Therefore, make sure you cultivate only the habits that are the perfect fit for a person you’d like to become. Otherwise, they will hold you back from achieving massive wins.

Here are 7 uncommon habits that contribute to success:

Ruthlessly cutting ties with the toxic people.

Your environment is by far the most important factor of success. These are people who surround you who define how fast you can arrive at the desired destination. Your surrounding makes a profound impact on what you read, listen to, watch, and aspire to achieve. Get around greatness and ruthlessly cut ties with negative, pessimistic, unambitious people who don’t motivate you but rather try to belittle your own dreams.

Ignoring advice from your peers.

The endless desire to give an advice to someone is the common facet of human nature. People adore sharing their “firm” opinion on almost everything, even if an issue is far beyond their field of expertise. In most cases such advice is worthless. Moreover, such things are likely to get you misguided, your motivation lowered, and your ambitions destroyed. Therefore, do not rely on your peers’ advice regarding a certain thing, unless they are real experts.

Working out daily.

When it comes to physical exercises, there are not only your body and health that benefit. Workouts foster discipline and persistence that are crucial when it comes to achieving your goals. Besides, your workout is a nice time to abstract from the daily routine and stress. Meanwhile, it a perfect time to prioritize your goals, think strategically and come up with the fresh ideas.

Scheduling your day.

In the modern ever-faster world, efficient time management is much more important than ever. Your success has become totally dependent on how well you organize your time. Make sure you don’t chaotically switch between the tasks during the day. Impulsive decisions to commit to some random activities won’t let you make any progress. Plan your day ahead, schedule your tasks and follow your timetable.

Minimizing choice.

A bold decision to declutter your life is the first step towards massive wins. It’s impossible to become successful if you can’t focus on what matters and always get your attention scattered due to the huge amount of things to care about. Make your life remarkably simple. Get rid of everything that doesn’t matter. Minimize choice when it comes to secondary trivial things so you can focus on and totally commit to what matters the most to you.

Investing money in yourself.

Excessive baggage won’t ever make you more successful, smarter or happier. Constant studying, improvement of skills and discovery of new earlier unknown things are what contributes to rapid self-improvement. Don’t waste your money on trivial stuff. Invest it in education, traveling, and personal growth. Attend seminars, conferences, take courses, visit new countries, live abroad, find a mentor, and invest in bringing your ideas to life.

Avoiding political news.

Following news is a time-consuming commitment. It’s even more tedious when it comes to discussions and debates with your friends, family, and colleagues. Moreover, this all rarely adds any value, unless it’s critical for your business or career. What’s the point in reading, watching and listening to all the noise out there? After all, the most important news won’t go unnoticed anyways. The precious time and energy you have should be channeled towards things that indeed take you closer to what you want to accomplish.

Originally published at evopaper.com

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Max Lukominskyi

CMO | Nebula http://asknebula.com. As seen at BBC, CNBC, Business Insider, The Independent and Inc