8 Bits Of Wisdom For Preparing Your “New Years Resolutions”

Geoff Pilkington
Published in
15 min readDec 16, 2016



“There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”

~ Miles Kington

New Years resolutions are overrated. It seems like most of the time we never accomplish them. We make them and sure enough by Valentine’s Day we forgot what they even were. I did a little research to find out how often people are actually achieving these fleeting so-called “resolutions”.

A recent article revealed 8% of people that make new year resolutions actually achieve them. 8%!!!!!


Wow. Ok….lets take a step back this year. What are we doing wrong? If in a room full of 100 people who made new years resolutions only 8 of them are actually achieving them, something is very wrong. What could be missing? What do these 8 people do differently? In my opinion…it starts with you. You’re making resolutions you are not prepared to or do not know how to conquer. I encourage you to shift gears for a second and try something different this year. Fill your mind with some points of wisdom to lay the groundwork for yourself rather than jump to conclusions that…



Geoff Pilkington

CEO of Launch Industries, Blogger, Podcast Host, Actor, Filmmaker, Futurist, Tech Enthusiast, Social Media Expert, and Content Creator. Personality Type: ENTP