A One-Handed Pro Football Player

The Mission Newsletter, 4/30/18



“When you’re young, the silliest notions seem the greatest achievements.” -Pearl Bailey

News That Matters


Blaze it with Granny:

After looking at decades worth of survey data, a team of researchers has discovered that there are two groups of Americans that are consuming more marijuana today than 30 years ago. And it’s not who you might think…

Older Americans — those 50–59 and those 60 and older — are 20 times more likely to use marijuana than they were in the past.

Usage rates have risen in other age brackets as well, but the spike in older adults is thought to be caused by the Baby Boom that came after World War II.

“The signature change occurred with the baby boomers who were born from the late 1940s through the early 1960s. Many generational habits begun in youth die hard. Just as the boomers engaged in an unusually large amount of crime in their youth and continue to do so far later in life than did their parents, they also have also carried the heavy substance-use patterns of their adolescence into their senescence.”

As marijuana becomes legal in more and more places, it is likely that future generations will also see increases in their usage of the substance, although it’s unclear whether or not the same jump can be expected.

For more about Boomers and their love of grass, head over to The Washington Post.


“We want prenup! We want prenup!” — Kanye West

Prenuptial agreements can be a sticky part of the engagement process for some people. Sometimes, even asking for a prenup — while the financially responsible thing to do — can cast doubts on the relationship and breed resentment.

Nathan Dungan, a wealth educator and founder of a financial consulting firm in Minneapolis, is working to make the process a little smoother for all involved. In a sort of prenup starter course, Dugan holds sessions with couples in which they are honest about not just all of their assets, but their feelings as well. They do worksheets and homework assignments to get to the heart of what money means to them so that, ultimately, they can come to a fair agreement that all sides are happy about.

Read more here.


Monday Morning Motivation:

In 1993, Jim Abbott pitched a no-hitter for the New York Yankees. An amazing feat in and of itself, but even more impressive when you learn that he was born with only one hand. His performance inspired many aspiring athletes with disabilities who may have otherwise thought that there was no hope for them in professional sports.

Over the weekend, young athletes got yet another role model to look up to when Shaquem Griffin, who was born with an undeveloped left hand, was drafted into the NFL by the Seattle Seahawks.

Read: Shaquem Griffin: can a one-handed college star make it in the NFL?

Tech Trends

Is email too complicated for you?

Probably not, but just in case, Google has your back. Last week the company rolled out a new design with updated features that make your inbox simpler to navigate.

Now, you’ll be able to open attachments quicker and get notifications about high priority emails. And, with smart reply and the nudge feature, you’ll never have an excuse for not responding to those work emails ever again.

Read more about all the new features here.

Marketing Trends

Fond Ford Farewell:

Citing a reduction in demand, motor company giant, Ford, announced that they are reducing their fleet of available sedans in North America to just two options: the Mustang and the new Ford Active.

According to the company, today’s consumers are moving away from traditional sedans and SUVs, so the company will phase out many of their current popular offerings, such as the Ford Fusion and Taurus.

They anticipate that SUVs and trucks will still be huge sellers — as much as half of the entire U.S. industry retail market — so the company invested $7 billion from the car division to the SUV division. Learn more about their decision and the future of the auto industry here.

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