Branded, 11/15/17

The best AI tools for marketers, Amazon goes all MJ, 101 years of Haggadahs & explaining Ads.txt

Ian Faison
4 min readNov 15, 2017


“Marketing does not equal advertising. Marketing is about identifying, nurturing, and developing markets for growth. Today, we can see markets more clearly and understand them more deeply; we can get a sense of the motivations driving that market. Once you define and characterize the market, you want to develop something different, superior, and truly value added to that market.” ~Mark Addicks, General Mills

Branded is a daily curated report of industry news designed to help executives in marketing, advertising and branding create ROI producing media, stories, and campaigns that deliver long term results.

News that Matters

Amazon’s pushing its private-label brands for the holidays. At this point, “Amazon’s Best Choice” label is one step away from being an “Amazonbasics” or one of their private label brands.

This week in self-serving news… The content marketing industry is supposed to be worth $412B by 2020, the same year that we get self-driving cars everywhere! Okay, dudes. The always-great Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose from the Content Marketing Institute had a pretty good breakdown on their podcast #ThisOldMarketing on how this number seems a little… high. Does the ad spend include Influencer Marketing? Marketing Automation? To read the entire report from Technavio, you can check it out here but heads up, it costs $2,500.

Audience-based planning is the next battleground for media agencies. “Audience-based planning is shifting from cookie-based to ID-based. Cookie-based planning has lots of problems: People change their devices, cookies get deleted and cookies are not available on mobile apps, et cetera,” — Peter Vandre, SVP of Analytics Solutions for Merkle.

Will Wonka, Paranoid Optimism, and The Future of Advertising — Ramsey McGrory, chief revenue officer, Mediaocean. A shout out to Maslow, includes references to Software, Hardware, and of course what it means to people.

Lessons Learned

What is ads.txt and how does it work? A great primer.

Four marketing lessons from opening a brick and mortar store. The real world isn’t digital and your customers live in the real world. So take a page from this book and use the insights to apply both online and off.

8 brilliant tactics for content marketing from the world’s biggest brands.

Original Content, Series, and Shows

That time that Michael Jackson bought the Beatles stuff. This is a crazy story and anecdote about the value of IP and original content. Basically Michael Jackson thought that the Beatles catalog was extremely undervalued so he bought the publishing rights.


For the past 30+ years my girlfriend’s family has used the same Haggadah. For those of you that don’t know, the Haggadah is a Jewish text that sets forth the order of the Passover Seder. Many Jewish families will pass the same Haggadah within the family for generations, and the Ladins (and Reicherts!) are no different. Shouts to Grandma Bea!

When my girlfriend told me that they used the “Maxwell Haggadah,” I thought that she meant that the Maxwells were a family friend or relative. Turns out, she meant Maxwell House Coffee!

Over 50 million Maxwell House Haggadahs have been printed and distributed in America. And it all started as advertising campaign targeting Jewish consumers almost 100 years ago…

I highly recommend you read the entire story here.

Marketing Q&A

Q: What are the best AI tools for marketers?

A: This list was written by friend of The Mission, Naomi Assaraf. Here are 7 growth marketing tools with artificial intelligence that all marketers should check out, all in the form of YouTube vids:

  1. Lumen5 that takes text and creates video and images from it.
  2. Articoolo that takes a few words and creates an entire evergreen blog post for you.
  3. Logojoy helps create a brand new logo in seconds based on your name and some samples.
  4. Hubspot helps you come up with blog ideas based on 3 keywords:
  5. Crystal Knows uses social media to explain how to work with someone and email them.
  6. Algorithmia helps you create SEO tags based off of a text in a URL.
  7. Quuu for content curation.


If you’ve ever wondered whether technology can create emotion, like love or nostalgia, wonder no longer. A great campaign by a company who posed the same question took a 3D video rendering of a mom and her baby, then let her experience it in VR years later. Tears? Joy? Emotion? Check.


Don’t forget the American Marketing Association’s own job board if you’re searching for talent, or a new gig.

Branded is brought to you by our team at The Mission. We create original content, shows, and series for brands and distribute them to our audience of millions. To learn more, connect with us here. Or you can email me at ian (at)

