How To Free Your Mind From Your Phone

Unlock your potential right now

Louis Tsai
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2016


This is how I magically freed my mind.

I. White wallpaper

I use a relatively white wall paper to reduce visual distraction. It saves me nano seconds to locate the app icon I’m looking for. Also, by not having a picture of my wife and kid, I spend more time looking at them in real life.

Reducing emotional attachment of an object is a great way to master it and not be mastered by it.

II. Turn off all notifications

Inbox zero? Why even bother with that number in the red dot?

Nothing is that important that it cannot wait for your attention right this moment.

III. Two screens only

Home screen contains apps I use almost daily. All other apps are on the second screen, categorized inside folders.

Putting up two layers of actions (swipe and tap) between me and the non essential apps is a great prelude to eventually get rid of them.

IV. Delete apps I haven’t opened in a month

If I remember the app after a month, I will just download it again. Then again, I would also realize I probably don’t need it in the first place.

Extra space in my mind equals extra peace.

V. Move the apps that could be a time suck to the upper rows

The two time suck apps on my home screen are Outlook and Overcast. I place them at upper left and right corners. It means I have to either reach further with my thumb or double tap the home button to access the top corners.

These very minor physical obstacles sometimes allowed my mind to make a hard U turn and freed myself from entering the rabbit holes.

Exit FOMO (fear of missing out).

Enter JOMO (joy of missing out).

Thanks for reading! :) If you enjoyed it, hit that heart button below. Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story.

