Don’t Ghost Your Workout!

Slide into your lift’s DMs for good

Jake Lyda
4 min readNov 3, 2017


You’re such a tease!

For hours now you’ve been flirting with this new flame. The benefits of getting together look promising. You swiped right, you’re totally ready to take it to the next step…

And then suddenly you decide to run an errand. Work sneaks up on you. You’re tired.

From the other side, he or she sends you little feeler messages:


You still there?

Still coming over later?

You ignore these messages, filing it in the back of your brain. You say to yourself, “Well, they’ll still be there tomorrow.”

Congratulations! You’ve successfully ghosted your workout!

You might not feel bad, but put yourself in your workout’s shoes.

Your workout was getting excited for a chance to hang out with you. It was looking through its wardrobe, deciding what to wear and for once actually applying makeup. It hummed to Beyonce, doing a little jig while heading to the gym, eagerly awaiting your arrival.

Then it starts to get fidgety. Your workout has ADHD, you know that. It texts you once. Twice. A third time. Doubt creeps in.

Are you coming? We were gonna do this thing! Where you at?

It gets nervous. It knows you aren’t coming, but it holds out hope. Maybe you’re just running late…like 45 minutes late.

Truth is, you’re back at home, shoving Cheetos down your gullet, binge-watching The Office for the seventh time, avoiding commitment like the motherf*cking plague.

I’ve ghosted my workouts too.

Back when I was in the states, after another grueling day of soul-crushing 9-to-5 work, my DMs would light up: Yo, time for a workout!

I’d look at this imaginary text with absolute loathing. Piss off workout, I wanted to write back, I’m not in the mood.

Sometimes I’d ignore the message and go home, sit down on my comfy-as-f*ck couch, and play video games until I felt guilty enough to make dinner. Other times, I would go to LA Fitness despite how I felt and go through the motions.

Either way, I wasn’t present in making my body better, and that’s the worst thing you can do.

There’s a stark difference between “should” and “want to.”

“Should” implies that some external force is making you go workout: Social pressure, your significant other, the chocolate muffin you had this morning. “I should go and lift” doesn’t sound fun at all — it sounds downright sh*tty.

“I want to go and lift” has a completely different mindset. The want is comparable to wanting to sleep for 9 hours and eat an entire pizza. In order to never ghost your workout, you have to enjoy it.

If you think working out sucks and it feels like a chore, then why do it? Hell, I wouldn’t.

Your workout HAS TO BE FUN. If it isn’t, you’re doing it wrong. If you feel the need to ghost your workout on the regular, then respond three days later with an “oops, sorry, missed your text,” then you need to find a new bae.

Make Workouts Great Again

Move your body in ways you enjoy. For me, it’s calisthenics, doing super cool sh*t with my body (think handstands and muscle-ups). It’s also sports — super competitive over here — and walking.

I want to play ultimate frisbee. I want to do push-ups and pull-ups and dips. I want to walk for thirty minutes along the beach in Cape Town.

Know what I don’t want to do? Spend 90 minutes in a sweaty gym, doing ten different triceps exercises because told me it would give me arms shaped like horseshoes. Or running a 21k. Zoomba (is this still a thing?).

Move the way you love to move, and MAKE IT PART OF YOUR ROUTINE!

Your workouts need to be that guy or gal that excites you every time y’all are together. Your best friend that gives you crap and is there for you when you need support the most. Moving your body can’t be something you ghost, but rather something you go out of your way to do.

Now I’ve gotta go. My workout just texted me, we’re getting together this afternoon. (You should get in touch with your workout too!)

J. D. Lyda is the most passionate health and fitness writer in the world. Check out his site to see how he creates engaging articles and kickass social media. Feel free to contact J. D. Lyda to see if he can rep out consistent, quality content for you. Follow him on Instagram for fitness and nutrition advice and motivation!

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Jake Lyda

I write about whatever interests me in the current moment: sports, entertainment, creative writing, lifestyle, etc. I'm tired of not being who I am.