Don’t let age be an excuse

Hi Tiffany!
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2017


I can’t recall the number of times someone would tell me, “I’m too old for this.”

I’m too old to run.
I’m too old to travel.
I’m too old to learn a new language.
I’m too old to start a new business.

People seem to think that once they pass a certain age, their minds slow down and their bodies become weak (which is true to some extent). But I don’t believe that age should justify why they shouldn’t try.

Look at KFC founder, Colonel Sanders. He was rejected over 1,000 timesbefore someone accepted to sell his chicken recipe, which has now spread to over 18,000 franchises in the world. He was 65.

Lance Armstrong still won races on his bike, even though his body had been fighting cancer for 15 years. He was 38 at the time.

Martha Stewart was a complete nobody until she published dozens of cooking books and got on TV with her show, “Martha Stewart Living”. She was 52.

People are equipped to do amazing things.

Why do you need to tell yourself what you can and can’t do, by a number?

You’ll only be lowering yourself to everyone else who believe they can. To those who try.



Hi Tiffany!

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