Driving Value, Conversions, and Engagements With In-App Advertisements

How marketers should be approaching their mobile app advertising strategies

2 min readMar 3, 2021


Photo by James Yarema on Unsplash

Let’s be frank: the app store is overwhelming. There are far too many options and too many barely-differentiated apps. When everything looks and feels the same, how can you possibly stick out? The key, you already know, is advertising. But these days you can’t just put out a banner ad, or stick an ad on a landing page or a newsletter and expect to see success. You need strategies that go one step beyond just getting a download, but instead lead to deeper conversions. To do that, you need to do a bit of Inception-style marketing.

“When you have millions of apps that consumers can choose from, being able to advertise to users and other apps to create awareness and get them interested in engaging in our app becomes super important,” said Dennis Mink, VP of Marketing at Liftoff. “You can’t just create a good app and throw it out there and hope for the best. You really need to support that through effective advertising. And if you’ve got an app, you’re going to want to be advertising your app inside of other apps.”

While advertising remains an integral part of standing out from the crowd, the other part of marketers’ struggles remains how they manage their ad spend and how much money should they be spending on these app campaigns?

“What’s the value of the app? What do we believe we can generate? Or what are we generating from our app right now?” Mink said. “Budget allocation, I just see it as a higher level of ‘Hey, should we be investing in marketing our app? Is there anything that we need to do and are there any improvements we need to make to our app before we actually start really investing in it?’ Do we have an attribution tracking solution in place? There’s some higher-level considerations before you get to the point of how much would we budget.”

Mink is the Vice President of Marketing at Liftoff, a one-stop-shop for programmatic user acquisition. On this episode of Marketing Trends, Dennis details effective strategies marketers should be using to get the most out of their apps, and why your KPIs have to be more about conversions and engagements and less about downloads. Listen here!

