10 Strategies to Go Viral on Any Platform

Todd Brison
Published in
9 min readMar 20, 2017


(Social icons designed by Wissawa Khamsriwath from Flaticon)

This may be an uncomfortable truth for you to swallow:

The attention you get online (or lack thereof) is not necessarily a result of how good you are but how many eyeballs find your work.

My first viral post reached 62,000 people. That was a total accident.

After that rush, I had to know more. What makes the internet tick? Why do some posts go viral and some disappear into the river of Internet stuff?

So I jumped on another platform, studying every angle to see if I could replicate my success. Before too long, I’d created another viral post that reached 470,000 people.

I made that one on purpose.

My work on Quora has not only gotten me published on world-renowned platforms, it’s been seen over 2 million times.


I am honored and humbled.

Before we go any further, let’s address the elephant in the room:

It is not immoral for you to know how the system works.

I used to be proud of my ignorance. I told myself artists didn’t have to learn how…

