Finding Your Team’s Mission

Creating A Vision For Your Business

3 min readApr 19, 2019


“The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.” — John Buchan

Food For Thought

Creating A Shared Mission

The key motivator in any successful business or team is a shared vision. It’s a clear goal that you, your teammates, and your customers recognize; one that articulates the impact you want yourself and your business to have on future generations.

A mission acts as a director for all of your business decisions: who to hire, what to sell, what innovation to encourage, which clients to work worth. It also functions as a guide for your employees so that they can frame their work in a way that always mirrors the mission of the company.

Most importantly, having a vision draws and keeps a team together. When things are tough in the short term, a long term vision helps team members remember why they are there in the first place.

But drafting up a vision isn’t going to bring together a successful team on its own.

Find the right team members.

Building a team that lasts starts at the first interview. Hire slowly and make sure a prospective employee is the right fit. Get people around you that believe in what you do and are passionate about the mission.

Keep your mission at the forefront of all you do.

Remind your employees (and yourself) of the mission often. Make sure that all of your decisions align with that goal, and don’t be afraid to update the mission statement as the company or industry evolves.

Tackle the big problems.

Doug Merritt, CEO of Splunk, joined us on Mission Daily today. Doug has a vision for Splunk — he wants to solve problems, no matter how big, prevalent, or challenging they might be. And he’s not just talking about difficulties within companies. For Doug, solving global problems is at the forefront of Splunk’s mission.

Short term goals and solving small problems won’t sustain a company for long and can become distractions if they aren’t aligned with a larger vision. Big, forward-thinking missions can drive innovation for years, decades, and even centuries.

Mission Daily

The Hidden World Of Data

Most companies don’t mine all the value from their data. Splunk is changing that.

Splunk is a technology company that allows organizations to take all their data and turn it into opportunities for employees and shareholders. They are transforming the way companies think about, manage, and use their data — and CEO Doug Merritt is at the helm of this major innovation.

Doug has had a fascinating and expansive career in tech. In today’s interview, Doug shares his insights on company leadership, personal development, and why you are undervaluing your data.

🎧 Listen to the episode. 🎧

Try This

Google Trains Its Managers to Create a Team Vision With This Framework

“Part of being an effective leader is creating and communicating a clear vision for your team. These five strategies from Google will help you make your vision statement less conceptual and more meaningful — and actionable.”

Read the article.


Music To Take With You Into The Weekend

And the obsession with Cage The Elephant continues… They just dropped a whole new album yesterday (internal, fangirl-like screaming). Check it out. 🎶🎶

Also on our radar:

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Happy Friday!

It’s Friyay! Do you have any fun weekend plans? Share them with us @TheMissionHQ!

And don’t forget to enter our Ultimate Book Bundle Giveaway! Everyone who enters will win a prize. Head over to to sign up.

Have a fun, safe, and (hopefully) sunny weekend! 🤗

This was originally published on April 19, 2019 as the Mission’s daily newsletter. To subscribe, go here.

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