Five Books’ Backstories You’ve Probably Never Heard

Every Story Has A Story — Your #1 Newsletter for Accelerated Learning

3 min readNov 3, 2017


Abandon All Hopelessness, Ye Who Enter Here –Anonymous, Found scribbled on a notecard at The Mission HQ

The Crazy Back-Stories of 5 Famous Books

As writers, comfort is our enemy. Habits (both good and bad) become chains. To create a masterpiece, you need adversity.

We need stakes, incentives, and creative constraints. Sometimes it’s only in a beautiful mess or when our world is falling apart that we have the perfect conditions to write our novel.

The best novels and books emerged out of enormous pressures. If you do want to create something that stands the test of time, be warned:

Give up all hopelessness, because it’s possible.

History is filled with examples of writers who created lasting work with far fewer resources than you have, and under far more hellish conditions.

Oh, and if you’re looking for a great read this month during #NaNoWriMo, I’d read or reread the books mentioned. Once you have more context about how a book was created, the story takes on a whole other level of significance and meaning.

When we know the story behind the story, the story becomes delicious. Yes, I can’t believe I said, “delicious” either. More coffee, please!

-Chad Grills

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The secret to avoiding tunnel vision

We’re living in increasingly isolated echo chambers. We friend people like us on Facebook. We follow people like us on Twitter. We read the news outlets that are on the same political frequency as us. We rely on the same neural pathways to regurgitate the same talking points and the same quotes, in order to reach the same conclusions. Our echo chambers get louder and louder with the sounds of the same voices.

What’s New?

Our team at The Mission is compiling the Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide and we need your help. What is the best gift you have received in the last year? Email with your ideas and we will feature the best “fan picks” in the guide.

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