Future of Social Media

Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2018


“There is nothing out there that allows people to see the impact of their ideas in a really visceral way.” –Gina Bianchini

The Story

It was the early 1980s and the man looked out his apartment window at the San Francisco Bay. Lights from ships dotted the harbor, framed by a setting sun. He sipped a glass of wine and looked with pride at the glowing creation on his computer screen. This would change everything…

(Scroll to the bottom to read the rest of The Story!)

The Future of Social Media

To better understand the future of social media, we brought on a special guest for the Mission Daily, Gina Bianchini.

Gina has been helping building communities online and off since she was a girl. Now, she is the CEO and co-founder of Mighty Networks, a company that enables entrepreneurs to bring people together in one place, under one brand, across the web.

“If you look at the history of innovation and the history of great ideas, they come from connections. They come from people putting themselves in environments with people who want to push the envelope.”

We bring on guests to discuss important topics, and we make sure they have skin in the game. Gina does.

She’s living in (and building) one possible future of social media.

“The intersection of people’s creativity and modern technology is the most potent and powerful opportunity to create new things that we’ve ever experienced.”

Listen to the Episode!

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News That Matters:

→ “Facebook’s prominence is eroding as the sources of creativity and goodwill that gave it magic, substance, and cultural relevance are quietly moving on. The reality is that Facebook stopped giving creators a return on their time a long time ago.” -The Facebook Era is Over

→ The problem with Facebook is not just Facebook. It is also us.

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How to use marketing to improve someone’s life and create human connection.

→ Don’t just get on someone’s radar, make a real connection that works for you and that person. This strategy will help.

→ Eight tips from Terry Gross on how to talk to people.

→ “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.” This catchphrase may be overused, but it does hint at an evolutionary truth.

→ “Our ancestors rapidly evolved a strong emotional reaction to the threat of being ostracized.” -How Human Evolution was Shaped by Pride, Guilt, and Gossip

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→ In our modern era, if we want to be mission-driven, we must seek to master technology. Learn the secrets to make technology serve you.

This plane doesn’t have propellers or jets. Instead, it flies silently by applying a strong electric field to the air.

→ Hawaii’s Mars mission practice dome is being turned into a simulated moon base.

The Story (continued)

What he was staring at was one of the first social networks.

Outside his apartment in the Silicon Valley area, spirits and idealism were high. What used to be empty orchard fields was now filled with research parks and companies. The founders of the emerging feast of opportunities was the United States Government. A technology project they had funded and incubated called ARPANET was finally becoming easy to use.

That veteran, turned publisher, turned technologist in The Story was Stewart Brand, and the nascent social network he created was called The Well.

That new network was a technological natural complement to his magazine, The Whole Earth Catalog.

So what does the future of social media look and feel like?

If one of the very first applications that succeeded on ARPANET was a social network, it doesn’t seem reasonable that social media will die out. The linking of computers naturally means the linking of people. But the current social media behemoths that dominate our landscape won’t be here forever.

They, like every other company will be forced to adapt, evolve, and become more symbiotic with those around them… or else they will die out.

Maybe a radical distancing from social media isn’t what we need. Maybe being unafraid to look at all the flaws is the only way we can see that the future isn’t less social media… it’s better social media, networks, and communities. Most likely, the future of social media will be something that doesn’t even resemble “social media” as we know it.

To explore the future of social media, we brought in a technologist and entrepreneur who is building it, Gina Bianchi. The future of social media is here, it’s just not evenly distributed.

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