He got a $5,000 raise. It wasn’t that complicated.

Marc Cenedella
Rooting for you
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2017
Photo by Jordan Whitfield via Unsplashed

I hope you’re ready for a little raise

How to ask for more money at a new job” was my advice two weeks ago.

“I asked for it, and got it” was the response from many of my 9 million readers….

I thought I’d share a couple of the best stories, with names and locations altered to protect their negotiating secrets. First up is ‘Thomas’…

“I was unhappy at my old job, mainly because of the salary. “Old Job” refused to give me anything more than a token raise, which would have been fine if my actual salary wasn’t below my market value i the first place. With two years under my belt there, a security clearance, and incredibly specialized training out of the way, I was making only $3k more than the day I was hired — and the day I was hired I had none of those.

I was making less than $50k. I told myself I wanted to make low-60s in my new job, which was humble and realistic but would still represent a dramatic increase to me.

So I interviewed at competing firms and, after weeks of interviews at both, coincidentally got two offers in the same day.

My first choice company offered $65k. $65k met my goal, and as I’m in my mid-20s in the defense industry, I knew the role itself would open many more doors — I knew the “small fish in a big pond” factor was also worth a lot.

I was about to accept but decided to ask for more. Worst they could say is “no”, right?

I recalled advice to “Ask for 10–15% more right off the bat. See how they react.”

So I asked for $72k. It was done instantly, and they didn’t bat an eye.

I started in August 2016. I went from $46,000 to (currently) $73,000 just by a couple rounds of interview a few times at a competing company.

Salary-wise, I completely skipped the 50s and 60s.

A 49% increase in salary.

Same city, same industry, same exact job.

And I all I did was ask.


That’s a terrific example Thomas…

Next up is ‘Dave’:

“Hi, Marc,

I have an interesting story for you.

When I was interviewing with my current employer almost 5 years ago, I had another possibility brewing. This was a little weird for me; a few years prior I had lost my job and was unemployed for 11 months straight, followed by being bounced through 3 other jobs for economic reasons. Having two employers at once trying to have me felt odd.

Anyway, I got the job at what I thought was a reasonable salary — $6,000 more than their initial offer and definitely higher than I’d ever been paid, anyway — and started working. A couple of weeks in, I got an offer from this other company that was very close to what I already had. I told them I couldn’t justify leaving the job I had just started and had begun to settle into, for essentially the same compensation.

After a little back-and-forth, they said, “We don’t normally do this, but we’re going to offer you $5,000 more.”

I agreed to think it over.

A day later I decided to speak with my manager. I told him about the other offer, and said that I didn’t really want to leave, but their offer was somewhat compelling. He asked whether I would stay if they could match the other number. I said I would, even if it were just close to being a match. He promised to present it to upper management and I told him that I appreciated his assistance.

A couple of days later I was called up to the VP’s office to speak with him and my manager. I went in and had a seat.

My manager said, “We’ve talked it over, and I have to tell you that we are NOT going to be matching the other offer.” He held a somewhat defeated expression.

I sank a little as I processed what this meant — I’d either leave the job I had (something I’d never done) for a better offer and accept burning a bridge, or I’d keep what I had and accept losing the extra money.

My manager then continued, “We ARE going to beat the other offer by $5,000.” The VP then said that it makes him proud when a manager comes to him to support their people, because that means to him that they have good people. Handshakes were had. I then had to call the other company to decline their offer.

So it’s almost as if I didn’t negotiate at all; rather, I let the companies battle it out. I actually said relatively little. And it played out very much in my favor. It all seemed very lucky.

Thanks for the emails in helping me to find something better!


What a terrific job these two members have done in improving their economic situation for themselves.

And all it took was asking for it.



Marc Cenedella
Rooting for you

Founder, Ladders, the home for $100K+ careers, ladders.news. Amazon #1 Bestselling author in Careers, Resumes, Interviewing: https://ldd.rs/amzn