How Music Affects Your Brain (Plus 11 Artists To Listen To At Work)

Kayla Derstein
Published in
7 min readOct 17, 2016


— Images by: Crew and Farrel Nobel

There you sit again: browser open in front of you, the hum of your office in the background, your to-do list sprawled out on your screen and waiting to be tackled. And you just. don’t. feel. like. doing. shit.

Faced with this serious lack of motivation, you head to Google to see what advice other similarly lost souls have to offer up.

You try working offline when possible. You try pomodoro timers. You take that fucking walk around the block the internet keeps suggesting. Nothing.

And then you open Spotify, and the music numbs your brain just enough that you’re able to focus on that one boring task you have knock out each morning (looking at you, email).

And now you got something done. And now you’re in the zone.

When nothing else seems to get us motivated, music does. In terms of work specifically, why does listening to music help us focus?

The answer depends on quite a few factors…

Music, your brain and emotions: the general stuff

Studies about how music affects our brains and emotions have been ongoing since the the 1950s, when physicians began to notice the benefits of music therapy in European and U.S. hospital…



Kayla Derstein

2x Top Writer. I find ways to be enjoyably productive. Passionate about storytelling, personal development, and getting the most out of everything we do.