How not to start a startup

I’m quitting my startup journey, and it’ll make you rethink whether now is your time to start a startup.

Bram Krommenhoek


Startup rocket gone down.. Thanks to Jason Puccinelli

Chutzpah is the confidence to do the impossible, daring to want what others can’t dream of, or going after “impossible goals” — Gil Kerbs

This is my fifth, and final, post in a series called The Chutzpah Series, in which I will share the methods and learnings of the journey of starting a startup, all with the aim to help more entrepreneurs and learn from others.

I spent my last nine months in Tel Aviv, Israel, pursuing a startup. I went from a step-by-step tool to help entrepreneurs go from idea to business, to a cyber security solution helping small and medium size businesses up their level of security, to a basic registration system for governments using the Blockchain. But now I’m done. I’m quitting. Let me tell you why.

To give you a little background: I spent the past nine months trying to build a startup, but I was totally unprepared.

I had my Master’s Degree at a top tier business school and had experience in finance, strategy, new business development, and advising startups.

From other entrepreneurs, the piece of advice that kept recurring was:

Just do it



Bram Krommenhoek

Failed founder. I share my "Aha"s and "Oh shit"s. As seen in The Mission, The Startup,